HOW DOES IT WORK? (danish below)

1. Create a profile (for other relation til DTU, contact
2. Buy access for the activity (team registration)
3. When you complete your first purchase you agree on that we can continue to withdraw contingency payment until you actively resign
4. The amount is charged automatically to your credit card. 
5. Receipt on transactions will be sent to your DTU or student E-mail from your profile information.
6. Access is automatically given to your DTU access/study card. You can expect up to 24 hours system delay until your access is processed.
7. Before each payment you will receive an e-mail / SMS 8 days before, which describe when we will deduct your membership fee from your account.
8. Registration must be made through your profile. Please note!!! that access will be stopped on the same day you terminate your membership.  
Read more here 


1. Opret en profil (med anden relation til DTU - kontakt
2. Køb abonnement til aktiviteten (under tilmelding)
3. I forbindelse med din første betaling godkender du at foreningen fremover må trække kontingentet fra dit betalingskort indtil du melder dig ud
4. Beløbet trækkes automatisk via dit betalingskort
5. Kvittering for betaling sendes til den mail du har angivet i din profil 
6. Eventuel adgang gives automatisk via DTU adgangs/studiekort (eller det udleverede kort)
7. Du vil senest 8 dage inden hver betaling modtage en e-mail/sms, som fortæller dig hvornår vi trækker din medlemskabs betaling.
8. Udmelding skal ske via din profil. Vær OBS på, at adgangen stoppes den dag du udmelder dig. 
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